Wheatfields Primary School


Our Ethos

At Wheatfields Primary School, we develop curious, life-long learners focusing on the whole child and their love and development of the world around them. We have high standards and expectations for all. We expect pupils to follow our School Values: the 5 Rs. As Wheatfields learners, we are expected to be:  

Respectful, Resourceful, Reciprocal, Resilient and Reflective learners. 

We experience success, work hard and take pride in ourselves and our School. Together with parent and community support we constantly strive for the highest levels of achievement for all. 

Our Aims 

  • To give equal value and respect to everyone.
  • For our children to have a voice within a secure, stimulating and caring environment. 
  • To embed a deep understanding of a broad and enriched curriculum tailored for Wheatfields learners. 
  • To provide challenge and celebrate success. 
  • To form effective partnerships with the whole School community. 
  • To actively promote good physical and mental health for all. 
  • To develop awareness that we all have a part to play as a global citizen.

By the time pupils move on to start their secondary education they have begun to develop their capabilities to their full potential, have learnt the self-discipline of work, the skill of self-motivation and have enjoyed their time with us. 


Children who are persistently late to school will miss a significant amount of their education. Where pupils show a persistent pattern of lateness, Parent/Carers will initially receive a letter informing them of the school’s concerns.


The Department for Education have brought in key changes to the way schools deal with attendance and term time absences and penalty notices.  These changes came into effect from 19 August.  Below is a summary of what these changes mean on a poster from Cambridgeshire County Council.