Wheatfields Primary School


Social Emotional and Mental Health

The World Health Organisation’s definition of mental health and wellbeing is “a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community”.


At Wheatfields we have a designated SEMH lead, Miss Cutbush. Her role within school is to contribute to promoting good mental health and emotional well-being amongst pupils of all ages. She plays a key part in identifying emerging social, emotional and mental health needs of pupils through strong communication with both staff and parents/carers. As part of the role the SEMH lead may refer pupils, identified as 'at risk of developing mental health difficulties', on to health professionals for appropriate specialist support. Miss Cutbush will then ensure that she is supporting pupils with SEMH needs in the school environment and in their learning, alongside the class teacher and LSA.

We aim to improve children's social, emotional and mental health and remove any barriers to their learning, ensuring that they have the opportunity to reach their full potential. We are aware of the crucial contribution that school-based provision for mental health and well-being can play to improve children and young people’s mental health. We are confident that provision, such as we offer at Wheatfields, can help to create a culture of openness, can ensure that potential mental health problems are identified at an early stage and that children and their families can access support in a safe and familiar environment, without the stigma often attached to mental health.

Support, information and advice for children

  • Through-out the school year, children at Wheatfields will be presented with information, advice and support surrounding mental health and how they can nurture their own well-being;
  • Children’s Mental Health week in February 2023 will see a range of activities, class discussions, assemblies and parents/carers being invited into school to take part in activities with their child;
  • PSHE lessons from the Cambridgeshire PSHE Service- these cover a wide range of topics and an overview of the topics covered in each year group can be found in the main entrance on the parents/carers mental health information board;
  • A children’s mental health and well-being information notice-board is situated in the reception corridor, it offers a wealth of information for children on what to do if they are worried about themselves or a friend and who they can speak to;
  • ‘Let’s talk’ box in each classroom – adults from the class will check these boxes regularly and speak to children about any concerns or worries they may have;
  • Every year we take part in Anti-Bullying Week as a whole school.  This involves a whole school assembly and class discussions. We use this work to inform and support the children and update our anti-bullying display with the children’s work;
  • ‘Let’s Talk’ pupil voice group – this is a group made up of representatives from across all years groups who can come together and talk about their perspective on well-being. They can talk with each other and gain the views of their year group peers and come up with suggestions as to what we can do to support them within school to aid their well-being.

Information and advice for parents/carers

  • Here on the school website we offer this dedicated page full of advice and support for parents and carers on a number of topics. Contact details for the SEMH lead in school are provided at the bottom of the page;
  • We invite parents/carers to webinars and workshops which are run by MHST (Mental Health Support Team), both in school and online
  • We hold Coffee afternoons/mornings in partnership with MHST, Leanne Martin (Educational Inclusion Family Advisor), our SEMH lead (Miss Cutbush) and our SENDco (Mrs Edwards) in attendance. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents / carers / grandparents to come into school and find out more about the support available;
  • In the school reception waiting area there is a comprehensive parents/carers mental health information board. On here, parents can access information about the school's PSHE curriculum, strategies for children with anxiety and contact details for the school Inclusion Family Advisor.

The book is aimed at parents/carers of children, between ages 5-12, who are experiencing difficulties with anxiety.

"In this book we aim to give a clear, straightforward step-by-step approach to help you to help your child, based on up-to-date relevant research and our clinical experience of working with hundreds of families who have experienced similar difficulties."


To talk to Miss Cutbush, our SEMH lead, please call the school office or email her directly:
