We use a range of resources and strategies to make our PSHE lessons both informative and engaging. This includes fiction/non-fiction books, other sources of information such as educational videos, circle time activities and role-play.
Please see our long term plan below:
We are very aware that the RSE we deliver in school is only a small part of children’s learning about their bodies, keeping safe, emotions, relationships and themselves. The majority of children’s learning in this area takes place with you at home.
We encourage you to discuss these areas with your child before, during or after our topic, as children say that they greatly value being able to talk with their parents/carers about these issues.
These are some useful sources of support:
Please see below the government guidance for Primary parents on RSE:
For information on talking about RSE to your children, try:
http://www.bigtalkeducation.co.uk/parents/how-to-talk-about-sex /
For a short film to introduce importance of privacy and not taking or sharing sensitive images search for ‘NSPCC Share Aware’: