Wheatfields Primary School

Suitable Clothing

We want the children to be comfortable during their stay in the club. When the children come to Kids Club after school, they can bring a change of clothing so as not to ruin their uniforms.

During school holidays we recommend appropriate comfortable clothing and trainers, as the children will be taking part in outside games or messy activities such as painting.

Please make sure all items are named with an indelible pen. We have a lost property bin at the front of the cloakroom where items that are left behind are placed.

During the summer months the children play outside a great deal of the time; please provide them with a sun hat for extra protection. Please be aware that sun cream will need to be applied by the child themselves – please supply in a named spray/bottle.

During the winter please ensure your child brings a coat or they will not be allowed to play out if it is too cold.