Wheatfields Primary School

The School Day

The Wheatfields School Day

All year groups start and finish the school day at the same time.  Classroom doors open at 8.40am.  Doors close at 8.45am so that registration can be completed by 8.55am.

The school day finishes at 3.15pm.  The total time in school per week is 32.5 hours.



   Class doors open   



mid morning

   There is a 15 minute break

12.00 – 13.00    



   School finishes


Accommodation and Organisation

The school is of a semi-open plan design. There are 14 class bases with space for 60 children in each year group, 30 in each class from EYFS to Year 6.  There are two halls which provide space for assemblies and PE.  School meals are freshly prepared on the site by our catering team and served in both the Dining Area and in the Key Stage 1  Hall.  There is a tuck shop available daily for KS2 pupils.  KS1 pupils are provided with a healthy snack.  Milk is also available to all pupils.

Technology is available to the pupils throughout the school day in the form of laptops, netbooks and iPads.  Our Library is an additional place for pupils to learn and we are lucky enough to have many breakout spaces available.

Wheatfields Kids Club is housed in a separate building, easily accessible from the school's playgrounds.  Excellent before school and after school care is provided during term time as well as a holiday club when school is closed.

In addition, we have Wheatfields Preschool housed in a brand new mobile building in the school's grounds and this facility is governed by our Primary School.

There are play areas at the rear of the buildings which are marked our for PE and Games activities and, when the weather is fine, games and play facilities are extended by the use of the school field.  There is a sensory garden, growing areas, as well as an area dedicated to the Forest School.