Curriculum and Environment
We create an attractive and stimulating learning environment that sparks a child’s interests and curiosity to learn, helping them to feel secure, confident and challenged. Children have daily, free flow opportunities both indoor and out with activities carefully planned based on both child interest and building upon prior learning.
At the end of the child’s reception year at school they will be assessed against the EYFS Early Learning Goals in the 7 areas of learning.
The seven areas of learning are split into prime and specific categories.
The prime areas are:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical development
The specific areas are:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Art and Design
‘Birth to Five Matters’ also focuses on the 4 main principles of EYFS:
- A unique child
- positive relationships
- enabling environments
- Learning and development
Alongside these principles are the Characteristics of Effective Learning. These describe how a child learns and underpin all areas of learning. The characteristics are:
- Playing and exploring
- Active learning
- Creating and thinking critically
At Wheatfields Primary School we provide opportunities for all children to explore and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of opportunities across both indoor and outdoor environments. The children are encouraged to share their learning and express themselves through art, design, technology, music, drama, movement, mark making, construction, dance and imaginative play.
None of these seven areas of the curriculum can be delivered in isolation from the others. They are equally important and depend on each other. All areas are delivered through a balance of adult led and child initiated opportunities across the environment. Through play and practical experiences children learn about the world around them and their place in it. They learn through first hand experiences, talk, books and equipment. We set realistic yet challenging expectations that meet the needs of our children as individual leaners and use our knowledge of their interests to make learning as exciting as possible.