The Governors oversee the work of the School and are also legally responsible for the management of the school. Currently, Wheatfields has 9 Governors who have a wide range of knowledge and expertise. All committee’s meet at least on a termly basis and our aim is to provide continual strategic development and improvement to the school.
To enable us to reach these goals there are three committees in total, Full Governing Body which has overall responsibility in making the final decisions and Resources and Standards that have delegated powers. Â Below is an explanation of the work Governors carry out as their legal responsibility.
Full Governing Body
The Full Governing Body meets at least termly, although additional meetings are agreed when required. Â Among the functions of the governing body are:
- To agree constitutional matters, including procedures where the governing body has discretion.
To decide which functions of the governing body will be delegated to two committees, Standards and Resources, groups and individuals. - To receive reports from any individual or committee to whom a decision has been delegated and to consider whether any further action by the governing body is necessary.
- To approve the first formal budget plan of the financial year.
- To keep the health and safety policy and its practice under review and to make revisions where appropriate.
- To agree, by early in the autumn term, the programme of work and calendar of meetings for the governing body and its committees for the school year, based on known cycles of school improvement, financial management, staffing issues and communicating with parents.
- To monitor the progress of work being undertaken by committees and individuals.
- To oversee arrangements for governor involvement in formulating and monitoring the school improvement plan.
- To be available and respond to matters of particular difficulty, sensitivity or emergency and offer advice to the Headteacher.
Standards Committee
The Standards committee have delegated power which is granted by the full governing board, this committee acts on behalf of the full governing board and make decisions in order to monitor and evaluate Pupil progress and experiences
Specifically the Standards and Curriculum Committee have:Â
- Have certain powers over the curriculum and some expenditure on teaching matters without reference back to the full governing body.
- Review at least yearly the Governors’ Curriculum Statement and advise the full governing body of any suggested changes.
- Advise the full board on how well the school is carrying out its curriculum commitments in respect of the Education Acts, and in particular with respect to the Governors’ Curriculum Statement and National Curriculum requirements. The committee will especially be required to monitor the school’s sex education policy and the religious content of Assemblies.
- Agree the schools targets and review each year if those targets were met.
- Evaluate any changes in legislation where it may affect the curriculum delivery, and advise the full board accordingly. It will also advise the full board where it feels a review or changes are needed in the curriculum for any other reason(s).
- Receive reports at intervals from the different departments on curriculum planning and delivery; it may ask departmental representatives to present a report to a committee meeting on request.
- Receive reports on, and review the school’s use of its human and material resources, and make recommendations to the full board where it feels adjustments need to be made in accordance with the aims of implementing the Governors’ Curriculum Statement. This will include recommendations on departmental budgets, on developing teaching aids and techniques and on homework policy.
- Periodically, and at least yearly, review the school’s link with community, including the work experience programme, and discuss/advise on improvements or initiatives which it sees fit.
- Receive a report on the implementation and outcome of the school examination(s) and procedures, and make recommendations to the full board appropriately.
Resources Committee
The Resources Committee also have delegated power which is granted by the full governing body,  the three main core functions of this committee cover  Personnel, Finance  and Premises.
- To oversee the preparation of the annual budget plan and ensure it links to the school development plan priorities.
- To approve the final budget or recommend it for approval to the full governing body and to ensure that the school’s delegated budget is administered in accordance with the Local Authorities Scheme for Financing Schools. And to monitor the expenditure of the school’s annual budget share.
- To receive reports from the headteacher and/or the school’s finance administrator on the school’s financial accounts.
- To consider any audit report and respond to the recommendations of such reports. And any virements between budget heads are in accordance with the levels set and in accordance with the LA’s Scheme for Financing Schools and the School’s Scheme of Delegation.
Personnel Issues
- To approve the staffing complement and staffing structure (both teaching and nonteaching) for the school.
To adopt and review a performance management policy and to receive the Headteacher’s annual written report about the operation of the performance management policy. - To consider and determine recommendations for performance pay awards.
- To establish and review policies and procedures for staff discipline, capability and grievance.
- To ensure that provision is made for the continuing professional development (CPD) of staff.
Property Issues
- To monitor the implementation of the Children and Younger Adults Department Health and Safety Policy as far as it affects the school and ensure that a school health and safety policy and appropriate risk assessments are in place and used in order to safeguard the health and safety of employees, pupils and visitors to the school. To consider health and safety implications relating to Governing body decisions and make recommendations to the Governing Body. To receive an annual report relating to health and safety and report this back to the Governing Body. To carry out periodic health and safety inspections with the school management. To monitor health and safety performance on an on-going basis.
To be responsible for monitoring the fabric of the school premises and within the budget provision, authorising maintenance work. - To consider improvements/alterations to school premises and to make recommendations to the Governing Body.
- To draft/agree specifications for any work to the building to be undertaken by outside contractors, this is funded from the delegated budget.
- To be responsible for monitoring the arrangements for the security of the premises.
- To consider requests to improve/replace furnishings within the school, within budget provision.
- To annually inspect the premises and grounds and oversee the preparation of a statement of priorities for maintenance and development for the approval of the Governing Body (with reference to the Asset Management Plan).
- To regularly review the need for structural repairs and maintenance for which the Local Authority is responsible.
- To make recommendations for updating the School Improvement Plan as it relates to the management of school premises.