PE Kit and Information


The school has good facilities and is well equipped for PE and Games.  Wheatfields feels incredibly lucky to offer your children the opportunity to be taught high quality PE - supported by outside providers.  As a result, all children take part in a wide range of sports activities and PE has been delivered following a structured timetable.

Please see our current PE timetable below:


It is essential that suitable clothing is worn for PE and we have provided a photo gallery below for examples of the PE kit required.

In the interest of safety we request that children only wear stud earrings and watches for school - other jewellery is not acceptable.  Where possible, earrings and watches must be removed for PE.

UNABLE TO TAKE PART IN PE?  Please ensure that a note is sent to the teacher concerned if your child is unable to take part in any planned sport activity.  Thank you.


Please see our Uniform page for details on how to order school uniform and PE kit with our embroidered logo: